Editor's Note: Time and Productivity Issue

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Youth is wasted on the young.


Patience comes to those who wait.


Time heals all wounds.


A hot fudge sundae and one of these sayings was my grandmother’s answer to most anything life could throw your way.


Some of my fondest memories are days spent playing hooky with her. I learned at a young age that when I was sent home sick from school, the person picking me up believed ice cream was a fix for tummy aches...even fake ones. I didn’t overuse this secret pact we had so as not to give up the goose. But it was often enough that I have a treasured memory bank of conversations over McDonald’s perfect vanilla with hot fudge hold the cherry dessert.


Her favorite line was “life’s too short to eat dessert last”. And she didn’t just say it, she lived it. As the resident sweet-tooth of the family you could always count on her having her chocolate before her meal. She was my idol. My hero. And my favorite person.


In preparing this issue her words kept sing-songing in my head. This woman had a real handle on the concept of time and how she wanted to spend it. And it’s only now that I can see that it wasn’t about the chocolate at all. She used chocolate the same way some use nature or meditation or hobbies; to connect to the present, to ground into the moment, and to savor the sweetness of life.


If my grandmother were alive today and I played hooky from life, she would laugh directly in my face while eating a spoonful of hot fudge. She’d let me know in her not-so-sugar-coated-Irish-way that the things giving my tummy aches were self-imposed. My Meema would tell me life’s too short to “run around like a chicken with your head cut off” (her other favorite quote). As cliche as it is, she’s right.


Back then I thought I loved her most because she gave me ice cream. Today, I realize, that I loved her most because she gave me time.


Time may change me

But I can't trace time,

Jess Davis


Editor-In-Chief and Founder of Folk Rebellion



Background, Context & Reference


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